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Friday, October 14, 2011

Materials and Methods Heart Rate Variability Analysis in the Acupuncture Clinic: Correlation with Clinical Outcomes

Materials and Methods

Design, Setting, and Patients: Case study of 20 patients representing 80 treatment sessions. The presenting diagnoses were varied including hypertension(3), low back pain/sciatica (3), headache/migraine(5), depression/anxiety(4), peripheral neuropathy (2), allergy (1), IBS(1), PCOS (1). When patients were in a prone or lateral position, the data was collected but not used in the study.
Controls: This study did not use controls, rather compared like kind data between acupuncture sessions and between patients.
Intervention: All patients received body acupuncture according Traditional Chinese Medicine principles. Electro-acupuncture was used if following a protocol (PCOS), or if manual acupuncture was not proving effective. Heart rate data was collected after needle placement for 20 minutes, and analyzed after treatment. The heart rate tracing was analyzed by pasting into the Kubios system, read out in 5 minute windows starting at 1 minute. The use of 5 minute intervals has precedent in the literature, and is seen as an appropriate time window for analysis. The specific 5 minute intervals (minute 1 to 6, and then 6 to 11) are used because of previous studies showed them to be the most indicative. These were then saved as an Excel Spreadsheet for tabulating. The heart rate tracings had to be scanned for artifact by filtering. Tracings with too many artifacts were excluded from study.
Main Outcome Measure: Patients were assessed by symptom resolution. Some conditions were easier to quantify than others. Headaches, panic attacks, insomnia, knee pain easier to quantify than IBS and PCOS for example. Their HRV data were compared for the time frames a (60 to 360 sec) and b (360 to 660 sec) using Kubios shareware for:
1. Time series: pnn50 % (not included in current results because of poor correlation)
2. Frequency Domain: FFT (LFR/HFR) ratios and HFR ms
3. Nonlinear results: Poincaré Plots (SD1/SD2) and Sample entropy
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