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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Blood Pressure Management and Acupuncture

This is another case study. This patient had severe peripheral neuropathy in her feet when she presented to the clinic. She suspected that it was due to a statin she was taking so discontinued it. She also had blood pressure that was out of control and wanted to try another approach.
The graph below shows her Blood Pressure the week before she came in to see me. Her first visit was 6/23/2011. Her last visit was 7/11/2011. The blood pressures for those days I took in my clinic. I didn't end up seeing her after those 4 visits, but contacted her to find out how she was doing and she gave me the last three readings.
So the acupuncture helped her blood pressure, but her blood pressure also was lowered because her feet improved dramatically so she wasn't in so much pain. This obviously helped her blood pressure also. (If I can get it together, I'll try to post her HRV readings in a later post since they were fascinating also.)

(For more information about my practice, please click here.)

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