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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Effect of Specific Magnetic Polarity on Heart Meridian on EEG

File this under "The Things We Don't Know." I really don't know what to make of these kinds of studies, but am fascinated by them because of all the implications if they prove to be reproducible. Could magnets be used, as many suggest, as an adjunct for acupuncture? Could this be a way to study meridians, ie, changing polarity and seeing what happens? What about other meridians? What about those magnetic bracelets, they're close to all the arm meridians, could they be studied? Could magnetic fields account for the ancient studies of the different astrological effects of acupuncture? I have to admit, I've never given much credence to any of the above questions, but maybe I shouldn't be so close minded.

Electroencephalogram activity induced by magnetic stimulation on heart meridian.
Jo HG, Jo GH.

Institute of Health and Environment, Kongju National University, SinKwan-dong 182, Kongju 314-701, Republic of Korea.Neurosci Lett. 2011 May 16;495(2):107-9. Epub 2011 Apr 1.

Many studies on the effects of acupuncture on brain activity have been concerned with the stimulation of specific acu-points. However, research on brain activity with the stimulation of the body-meridian line is still quite novel. The hypothesis of the present study is that heart meridian stimulations with different directions of line-magnet poles would elicit different effects on EEG activity. Twenty-three healthy young adults between the age of 19 and 22 years old participated in the experiment. Two tiny NEO line-magnets were applied to stimulate the heart meridian. EEG activities were changed significantly between different treatments on the heart meridian using line-magnet with different directions of magnetic poles (p<0.05). The present study shows that the stimulation of the heart meridian with the line-magnets has an effect on brain activity associated with the direction of the line-magnet pole.

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